26 10, 2016

Will using SmartClad save me time?

By |2016-11-17T08:55:39+13:00October 26th, 2016||Comments Off on Will using SmartClad save me time?

Yes. It has been estimated that proficient builders will save considerable application time compared with traditional weatherboard installation.

9 10, 2016

Where can I buy SmartClad?

By |2016-12-01T14:07:23+13:00October 9th, 2016||Comments Off on Where can I buy SmartClad?

From approved timber merchants and regular building supply companies. Talk to your architect or home designer today about using SmartcladTM weatherboards for your next home.

9 10, 2016

How is SmartClad unique?

By |2016-10-26T08:55:47+13:00October 9th, 2016||Comments Off on How is SmartClad unique?

The fixing is unseen, so doesn’t damage the front face of the board. It also has a range of ready-made components.

9 10, 2016

What else comes in the system?

By |2016-10-26T08:57:00+13:00October 9th, 2016||Comments Off on What else comes in the system?

Pre-formed window facings, scribers and corners, so the installer doesn’t have to laboriously cut them to fit.

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